Enjoy the Weekly Whitman Middle School's Weekly Newsletter
Jeanne Jarecki (she/her/hers)
Administrative Assistant II
Enjoy the Weekly Whitman Middle School's Weekly Newsletter
Jeanne Jarecki (she/her/hers)
Administrative Assistant II
The lottery window for applying to Wauwatosa Montessori, Wauwatosa STEM (WSTEM), Underwood STEM (USTEM) and middle school STEM (MSTEM) at both Longfellow and Whitman will open for all enrolled students on Monday, February 5, 2024. The application period will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, February 23, 2024.
No late applications will be accepted.
Friday February 16th, 6-8pm Black Student Union Presents: Whitman Middle School Winter Dance - $4.00 tickets available Feb. 1st in Infinite Campus School Store.
Whitman Middle School's Handbook are now available to download in Spanish and Vietnamese.
Join our Board of Education for a community engagement session about our district facilities on November 29 at 6 p.m. at Madison Elementary School!
The School Board Meeting Preview for November 13, 2023 is now live and can be found here: https://www.wauwatosaschools.org/article/1334626
Click below for the Whitman Middle School's Student Services Newsletter for the week of 10.23.23.
Thank you,
Lisa Gerlach
School Counselor
Whitman Middle School
11100 West Center Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53222
Whitman Fall Play Alice in Wonderland Performances @ Whitman
Friday 10.20 at 7pm Saturday 10.21 at 2pm
Tickets are $10 each $5 for Students and Seniors
Cash or check only at the door so please plan ahead!
Seats are first come first serve so get there nice and early. The house opens 30 minutes before each performance for pre -show entertainment!
Whitman's weekly newsletter is avaialble here:
District-wide inbound/outbound calling has been restored. Thanks for your patience.
Due to technical issues with our provider, district-wide inbound/outbound phone lines are down. Engineers have been dispatched to resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience and will send an update once the service has been restored.
The Annual Budget Hearing + School Board Meeting Preview for October 9, 2023 is available here: https://www.wauwatosaschools.org/article/1276422
Whitman Middle School Best Buddies Informational Meeting Wednesday 9.27.23 durng lunch periods.
Whiman Middle School - Paw Press is Whitman's school newspaper. First Meeting Wednesday September 27th during each lunch period.
Whitman Middle School
7th and 8th Grade Girls
vs Germantown
Start Time: 3:45
7th Grade Release
@ 3:00
Welcome to Wauwatosa, Mr. LaFountain-Libscomb!
Whitman Middle School: Monday 9/25/23 Cross Country meet cancelled there will be no practice.
The School Board Meeting Preview for September 25, 2023 is available here: https://www.wauwatosaschools.org/article/1254672
Mrs. Rachel Kumferman, a social worker at McKinley Elementary School and the Wauwatosa School District homeless liaison, was recognized as a 2024 Wisconsin Teacher of the Year. She was honored today at the state capital. Congratulations, Mrs. Kumferman! 🎉